エネルギー業界の気になるニュースをPICK UP




昨日の「春秋」に心を打つ文章があったので紹介します。 春秋とは 春秋とは日経新聞に連載されているコラムのことです。いつから連載されているのかはわかりません。少なくとも前身の「中外物価新報」にはそれらしき枠はなさそうです。 【12月2日】本日は弊…

I dumped the contents of the coffee bottle all over the floor this morning

I messed up this morning. I've dumped a content of a coffee beans bottle over a kitchen floor. I've assumed the cap to be closed but it wasn't be so. The sight was terrible. I should have taken a photo. This is why I had started cleaning t…


I noticed that the best method of learning English is to write my opinion in Engilsh. It will be OK if your Einglish is wrong. Also it will be OK if your writings is short. The important thing is to express your opinion in your English. I …

I'm thinking about taking English newspaper to improve English skills

I think I have to improve my English skills because I'm planning to change my job that needs to communicate in English. To write English article on this weblog like this is one of my attempt to improve English skills, and to take English n…

Japan will introduce a license system of VPP

I got an information about Japanese VPP system when I read today's newspaper. According to the article, Japan will introduce a license system of VPP for the purpose of diffusing renewable energy. In Current system, renewable…

I had dreamed that I boarded a ship and played video games with my friends

I'll tell you about two dreams that I had dreamed yesterday. A dream that I had boarded ship Last night I had dreamed that I had boarded ship. Wave was high. I have never dreamed the dream like this, I decided to search the meaning of this…


今日の電験(法規)勉強めも。 供給電圧の規制に関する具体的な値は、電気事業法施行規則第38条が法的根拠 電気事業法第26条に、供給する電気の電圧と周波数に関する規定があります。その具体的な数値の法的根拠は、電気事業法施行規則第38条です。 標準電圧…


一般用電気工作物は、電気事業法第38条に定義されています。 「一般用電気工作物」とは、次に掲げる電気工作物をいう。(中略) 一 他の者から経済産業省令で定める電圧以下の電圧で受電し、(略) (電気事業法第38条) 経済産業省令に、具体的な数字が明記…

It’s important to instruct subordinate as clearly as possible

I was reprimanded by my superior yesterday. Cause was that I couldn't revise a material as he said. I just don't want to do so. I capture his instruction as an advice. I notice that I have to check what I have to do next as concrete as pos…

This is how I improve my English reading skill

Today I'll write about how to improve my English reading skills. In the previous article, I declared to continue reading English articles posted on NHK World. In this article, I will tell you the details of method. First, I aim to read new…

Today is holiday for new adults

今週のお題である「二十歳」にちなんで、僕が二十歳だった頃を振り返ってみたいと思います。英語で。 The theme of this week is "Hatachi (二十歳)". The theme program has been run by Hatena Blog. See here: 今週のお題 - はてなブログ ヘルプ In Japan…

電験2種 戦略メモ(3カ年計画)

参考にしたwebサイト:電験 最速合格「【合格体験記】電験2種合格への道のり」 電験2種に合格するための戦略メモ。上記のサイトが非常に参考になりました。サイト運営者の池田友哉様、誠にありがとうございます。 「電験 最速合格」のページを参考に、重要な…

Japanese should be more uninhibited

I impressed when I read this article of the interview of Yu Darvish. Read the article: ダルビッシュ有が否定する日本の根性論。「根性論のないアメリカで、なぜ優秀な人材が生まれるのか」(REAL SPORTS) - Yahoo!ニュース In the article, Yu descri…

To not be a "Mikka Bouzu"

Do you know a Japanese proverb "Mikka Bouzu (三日坊主)"? This proverb means the person who is so fickle. "Mikka" means three days and "Bouzu" means a young man or a boy. Then I translate correctly this proberb, the boy decided to challenge…

I'll continue to post English article to improve my English skills

I have a dream. I want to work as global electrical engineer and make the world more sustainable one. In order to do that, I have to acquire more deeply technical knowledge and English communication skills. I have understood that my englis…


(C) 2018-2020 Daichi Yamada